La Ceiba

Facility type Anchorage
Facility type Harbor
No. of Harbor One
Maximum Sailing Drafts 26.24 Feet - 8.00 Meters
Max. entry draft According to the approval of the Port Authority
Max. height allowed (Maracaibo Bridge) 42mt
Max. dock length 180mt
Max. length (vessel docked overhanging) 195mt
Water density 0,998 – 1,001
Loading form Self-loading vessel from the dock
Carge Ship cranes with Clams
Charge rate (SHINC) 8 – 12.000 MT / 24 hrs
Operator (not on board) Bolipuertos S.A.
Distance from dock to Carbon piles 300 – 600 mts
Facilities of Barges IFO/MDO Via Barges (Amuay Bay) 
Fuel facilities Only in Maracaibo (Barge)
Fresh water facilities On the pier
Location Southeastern coast of Lake Maracaibo (LAT.: 09º28,3'N; LON.: 071º04,8'W), from 8 to 10 hours of navigation from Maracaibo. Dock / undock only during daylight.